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Williams Air Force Base - Mesa AZ Real Haunts

  • 6033 South Sossaman Road
  • Mesa, AZ
  • 480-988-7600
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Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds, Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Opened in the early 1940s, Williams Air Force Base was the training ground for thousands of fighter pilots until its closing in 1990s. Although that area is now the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, sounds and sightings of wandering figures have been reported on the west side of the air base where the old hospital used to be.
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  • Inside phase 4

    Inside the old hospital which is now the elementary school they had the building spilt into 4 phases. I was there for all the phases being built except phase 4 which to this day has never been built out. Phase 4 from what I can tell was the area for the mentally ill. I have been through every bit of phase 4 thanks to doing Color Guard at ASU prep and I have seen things that are not explainable and I don’t know how to describe them but no one goes in there alone. One time I was sent in there alone which is why no it ne goes in alone anymore but I heard a little girl laughing as well as running down a hallway. I obviously didn’t investigate because I was like 12 and alone but I know there was no one else because everyone was in phase 1 the farthest from phase 4. The next day I went back with a few friends and when we went towards were I heard the running and laughing there was a room that was definitely painted for a little girl. I also saw someone say something about seeing a little girl and boy go into the girls restroom but no one ever come out these were most likely the bathrooms next to the door leading to phase 4 as there have been many sightings at those bathrooms and those kids are most likely the ones I heard or at least the little girl.

    Posted 10/1/21

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  • Major Paranormal Activity

    My sister commented below about some of the incidents in the house. Her closet opening, sounds in the kitchen, things flying across rooms. I was in 3rd grade when we lived there. I remember always feeling creeped out in the house. I did not like to sleep alone. I often would ask my sister or mom to sleep with me or stay with me until I fell asleep. I also would sleep with the lights on. I remember once my furby was really creeping me out so I turned it off... but it still kept saying unintelligible stuff which really creeped me out so I took the batteries out. Later that night, I heard a noise like the furby’s eyes moving. From across the room I heard it speak which horrified me considering I had taken the batteries out. Another time I had heard voices and being young, got a knife, the same night my sister had a piñata fly at her. Our neighbor was pretty religious and we used to go over there when my mom wasn’t home because we hated being alone in the house. She came and “blessed” the house and wrote prayers on our white board but it didn’t work. One time I was watching tv and the volume started going up really loud and then down, up and down up and down until it turned off. When I went to inspect it. Right before I touched it, it came back on and startled me. Another time, my sister had friends over and being a little sister of course I was annoying them. So I hid in her closet so that I could pop out and scare them. However, they were taking a long time so I was waiting in there for at least 15 mins when I felt something touch my right shoulder from behind. It felt like a man’s hand on my shoulder. It scared me so bad I busted out of the closet screaming and crying. My mom checked and nothing was in there. We didn’t live there very long but it was one of the most creepy houses I have ever lived in. Just really bad vibes. I have even had nightmares about it years later. I’m now 29 and still get chills thinking about it.

    Posted 6/2/20

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  • Unexplained events from my time living on the base

    In 1999 my mom, my sister and I moved onto the old Air Force base. They made it into transitional housing for people getting out of jail or prison. During our few months on the base we witnessed several strange events. The first thing that started happening often was noises in the house. We would hear the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen open and closed when no one was in there. It escalated to objects moving in the house. Once all 3 of us watched as a pen (one of those decorated pens with fluffy feathers on the top) came flying across the room then smacked against the wall and slowly slid down the wall. Another time I Was in bed about to go to sleep when I felt like something was watching me from the closet. I stared at it across the dark room when to my horror the closet door abruptly slid open. It was one of those metal doors that are on a track. It opened so fast that I thought someone was about to jump out of that closet. I was paralyzed with fear and started screaming so loud that the neighbors heard and rushed into my bedroom to find me in a panic. They turned on the light and looked in the closet. Nothing! No one was there! I don’t think they believed me that it had opened on it’s own. We would often see what looked like a man in a long trench coat and rain hat standing inside the abandoned grocery store and sometimes on a street corner at night. The most terrifying experience was one night when my sister and I were home alone. We both went to sleep before our mom made it home. I always slept with my radio on low and my door opened as well as my closet door opened after what i experienced. A loud noise started me out of a dead sleep and before I realized what was going on a piñata that had been tucked under my bed came flying at me like someone threw it on me! I jumped out of bed and realized Simultaneously that my door was closed my closet door was closed and my radio was turned off. I FREAKED OUT! Just as I ran out of my room my sister was running out of her room with a knife and my mom was walking into the house looking totally confused. Here is where it gets really creepy! My little sister Had heard voices in her room which is why she got up and grabbed a knife (10 year old logic). She had fallen back asleep but something loud had startled her awake. Meanwhile my mom said that she had been trying to get in the house for more than 10 minutes but the doors wouldn’t open. She was about to try to crawl into a window but suddenly the door opened by itself. She thought it was one of us which is why she was confused to see us running out of our room in a panic. Even now 20 years later I am still creeped out by that place.

    Posted 6/1/20

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  • Children apparitions

    In December 2019, I was at ASU polytech elementary school, (which used to be Williams Field Air Force Base in Chandler, AZ), I saw a little boy come from the boys bathroom and walk into the girls bathroom. I waited a few seconds to see if he would realize he was in the wrong bathroom but he did not come out. I grabbed a teacher to let her know what I saw, she said I need to run to the bathroom and if he doesn't come out by the time I'm finished I will go into the bathroom to get him. While the teacher was in the bathroom a little girl walked into the girls bathroom and I became extremely concerned. I called out to the children at the opening of the bathroom but no one answered. By this time the teacher comes out of the staff bathroom and takes a look inside the girls bathroom. She came out and said there is no one in there, come see for yourself. She was correct, there was no one in the girls bathroom. I know what I saw, the little boy never looked at me when he came out of the boys bathroom to go directly into the girls bathroom but on the other hand the litte girl came from around the corner, looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. I played back the incident in my head once we discovered the bathroom was empty and I realized the little boy had on an older lettermans jacket on and the little girl had a sweater on over her clothing that was similar to sweaters we wore as children.

    Posted 5/1/20

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  • Haunted base housing

    Lived there in 1979 in base housing on Maine Court with husband and baby son. Major poltergeist activity (turned our Christmas tree over then slowly raised it back up again)! There was a female apparition who protected our sons room and even played with him! My mother saw the female watching over our sons crib. Lots more activity too.

    Posted 9/29/19

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  • 4th grade friend murdered on base.

    When I was attending 4th grade my girlfriend Cheryl Marie was strangled to death by a mentally ill 16 year old. He tried to change the souls of his tennis shoes so they wouldn't catch him. She had got into a silly fight with her parents and left to walk her dog and walked out past the Elementary school. She was found deceased with her dog nearby. I believe her father was a high ranking officer. Paulson might be the last name. We called her Cherie. My parents never spoke to me about it. No crisis teams back then. So sad. I remember all of her Christmas presents were donated and under the school tree. I have thought about her all these years.

    Posted 12/7/18

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  • Suicide in billeting which is now freshman dorms

    In the early 1990's I was a security policeman R Williams Air Force Base, I responded to shots fired and billeting where a retired Colonel check into billeting shot himself in the head Second Story of the Freshman dorms.

    Posted 12/7/18

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  • It's not just the old hospital that's haunted!!!!

    We lived in two different houses on Campus while attending school there and we had experiences in both houses. The most activity was on a cul-de-sac on the most south/west neighborhood. Volante Circle, everyone of our neighbors on that street had activity in their home. Apparitions, noises, there was a little girl (ghost) who would walk across the cul-de-sac late at night and we even had an experience where every time we tried to get off the bed something growled at us but we didn't see anything.

    Posted 1/18/18

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    7 out of 8 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/17/2015 (3386 days ago)

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