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Saguaro Boulevard - Fountain Hills AZ Real Haunted Place

  • Saguaro Boulevard
  • Fountain Hills, AZ
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Legend has it that back in the 1980s the body of a young girl who had been kidnapped was found murdered and dismembered in a house on Saguaro Boulevard. Passersby and residents have reported seeing a terrified apparition of the girl along with hearing her cries and screams for help.
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  • Lived on this road since 1997

    No ghosts and the murder never happened.

    Posted 11/3/21

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  • Ghost on Saguaro Blvd

    The events took place in the year 2019 while I lived in Fountain Hills. My boyfriend and i share a house towards the center of town. We had just purchased a 2019, brand new car that is loaded with all of the newest safety features and technology out there on the market to date. One day while i was driving the car North on Saguaro, approaching the fountain on the right, and just before the bend in the road and the sizable dip down, the car picked up on what it was showing as a human in front of the car suddenly out of no where. The car was traveling at about 35 mph and the outline of the figure seemed to just appear out of thin air and just as quickly as it came, it was gone and the alerts all stopped....sorta like i just drove right through it. Now i’ve driven the car down this street many times before and since and it’s never picked up on anything. There’s no way it malfunctioned, as it’s really just not possible if you understood how these features all actually worked. I never mentioned the event to anyone and several months passed, when for some reason while walking our dogs together, the memory came into my mind and i told my boyfriend what had happened some four months earlier. After i concluded the story, he turns to me and says “that’s weird, because the same thing happened to me last night.” i was speechless. When i pressed him for an accurate location for where his experience occurred, i was overwhelmed with awe to learn it was in fact the exact spot i had experienced my event. What are the odds the night i just happen to remember this happening and it had also just happened to him with months in between our two experiences?? Talk about coincidences, right? He wasn’t really too impressed or intrigued with any of it, until it happened to him again the next night, and then the next night. We have investigated the spot where it’s been happening to see if there could actually be some perfect trigger falsely activating the alert system on the car, and there is just absolutely nothing. There’s no other explanation in my opinion other than it being a ghost. The morgue is right there, but i also heard the story the other commenter mention about the little girl. Awe just really don’t know who it is, but if anyone else has experienced anything similar in that area, please share so we can have any and all information possible because i am beyond curious now. Thank you. - E & D of FHs 2020

    Posted 3/5/20

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  • Used to live there

    I moved into an apartment on Saguaro Blvd, I believe the cross street was Malta. It has been 6 or so years ago. Anyways, that apartment was for sure haunted. It was a building split into 4 units right by the wash that runs down to the street.

    Posted 1/26/20

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Visitors to this page: 3,854
Last edit to this listing: 8/15/2015 (3491 days ago)

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