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Gadsden Hotel - Real Haunted Place

  • 1046 G Avenue
  • Douglas, AZ
  • 520-364-4481
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Opened in 1907, then reopened in 1929 after a fire, Gadsden Hotel is home to many restless spirits. Countless paranormal encounters have been reported, and recorded, in the building. In room 333 (supposedly the most haunted room) knocking has been heard coming from the radiators and the television has turned off and on by itself. Visitors have also reported strange activity in other rooms, like the feeling of someone sitting on the bed in the middle of the night then laying down next to them. Yikes!
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  • My encounter with the laughing spirits

    My grandparents made me stay in the hotel and before i even went inside, i got chills and did not want to enter. Coming into the hotel, i had no idea of its haunted past. I sat on top of the balcony overlooking the lobby on a chair next to a hallway and i was on the phone with my boyfriend when i heard scratching at the corner of the hallway right next to me. I could hear scratching and shuffling feet, but i could see no one there. While on the phone call, my boyfriend kept hearing whispers as i was talking which i could not hear( i have yet to tell him about the history of the hotel). That experience did not scare me nearly as much as the experience that I had while trying to sleep. I laid down and was almost asleep when I heard loud thumping coming from the uninhabited rooms above me. then came the laughing. i cant begin to describe the god awful laughing i heard. It was a women at first laughing right next to my ear then i heard her outside the room of my door. as soon as she stopped laughing a heard such a violent and loud laugh in my life. the more scared i was, the closer he came to the bed i was laying on. I really really dont reccomend this hotel to people with mental health disorders or sensitivities because they will take advantage of that :(

    Posted 4/25/22

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Contact Phone #: 520-364-4481

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Last edit to this listing: 12/29/2015 (3350 days ago)

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