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Bird Cage Theatre - Real Haunted Place

  • 535 E Allen Street
  • Tombstone, AZ
  • 520-457-3421
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  (3 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Theaters, Real Haunted Museums
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Yes - Open To Public
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Tombstone, once a booming mining town with a wild reputation, is home to The Bird Cage Theatre, a former saloon, brothel and gambling den. With such a debaucherous reputation, it's not hard to believe that many gun fights, lovers quarrels, and deaths happened on this property. Now a museum, the Birdcage Theatre still boasts spirit sightings and unworldly occurrences.
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  • The night tour with active ghost 1 out of 2 night tours in Tombstone

    My bestie and I went to tombstone to investigate ghost. Not only did we experience ghost throughout the tour. My friend had a ghost appear to her, they connected and she feel their sorrow. I had a ghost keep playing with my braids. We both took videos and pictures which ghost appeared, only to disappear after we showed each other. The Guides informed us this is normal, sometime they get to see it before it disappears. The missing video: was of a ghost moving luggage that hangs from the ceiling. My friend, a tour guide, and myself show the video Photo of a man: in the carrier of the dead (I don't remember the name) glass was a man's sad face. A few of us guest show the image. Photo of working Women in wings: The Photo was taking of the walk to the rooms. My friend and I got to see it We spend extra for some tools for the night. They would go off when an ghost was around. We tested by moving around and coming back afterwards. We noted I was being followed because when I left an area the readers would stop alerting to a spirit. While in the lights off Portion of the tour my braids were being moved and others guest were able to see it and feel the energy around me. I was told by the two siting by me, that the half of their body closest to me was tingling and cold.

    Posted 9/9/24

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  • Shadows

    I have been to Tombstone a few times and I love it. I always get to experience something every time. I was standing looking at the stage when I saw a shadow move in the box to the left right next to the stairs that lead up onto the stage, the gentleman I was talking to saw it as well and said that it happens all the time. I also saw a shadow moving up in the birdcages and the storage place under the stage. I even heard what sounded like poker chips moving at the poker table. This was also the day a local ghost-hunting group was going to be there that night. The Courthouse was also active that day as my husband caught an evp of a child telling him 'Hi daddy" This was in the middle of the week and there was no one else on the second floor with us nor did we see any children anywhere near the building while we were there. It was really awesome. This was all in one trip. Other times I have heard someone coughing behind me, saw a cowboy one moment and then he was gone, times I thought I heard gun fire (in the middle of the night), and heard someone walking on the roof of the motel I was staying at that is only one story.

    Posted 1/9/23

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Having a good time at the Birdcage Theater

    Whenever I go on vacation the place I go to is Tombstone and see not only the Birdcage Theater but the entire town. Just love it being here. Went on the ghost tour that they had back about three years ago. Ghosts must not like me because nothing ever happens but did see the renovation of things that were uncovered. Amazing what was found.

    Posted 7/30/18

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/17/2015 (3392 days ago)

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