Perfect for little kids and Fraidy-Cat... Nice family run setup. Perfect length for little kids (or chicken type grown ups), not too long, not too short.
Just awesome for families! I am glad they are doing it again this year. These guys spend a lot of time transforming their backyard for the love of haunting.
very good going again this weekend totally awesome great props great actors my kids 4 and 5 year old screaming my 12 and 13 year old dragging their mother though because they...
Awesome! Went tonight to go check this place out, it was amazing! It took a few minutes to get through. You didn't really see the scares coming, they...
I've seen teenage girls leave in tears... We have been going to this family haunt for the past 7 years now, and beware, this is the most terrifying haunted house in Arizona.

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