
Sahuaro Ranch Park - Glendale AZ Real Haunted Places

  • 9802 North 59th Avenue
  • Glendale, AZ
  • 623-930-2820
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  (5 reviews)
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Places
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Not only does this historic 17-acre ranch feature 13 original buildings, a rose garden, barnyard and historic orchards, but restless spirits too. Visitors of Sahuaro have claimed to see apparitions of a woman in a long dress vanish around corners, and the ghost of a man wandering the ranch grounds.
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  • got followed home by a spirit

    i went with my boyfriend for a valentine’s day picnic. part way through our visit i felt the presence of a young man, probably around age 19, behind me. after we left and went home i started seeing him and hearing him. this isn’t abnormal for me except for what he was saying. his face was contorted and he was screaming for help, he sounded in pain. i still see him (this happened today). he may have been a ranch hand who died painfully but i’m having a hard time confirming any deaths on the property. however the man did not seem evil or bad, so i don’t mind having him around.

    Posted 2/15/24

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  • Owners son

    My husband and I took a self guided tour and there was also guides there to answer questions. We walked upstairs in the main house and went in the room to the right at the top of the stairs. Soon as I walked in I felt a tightness in my chest like I couldn’t breath. Almost suffocating. I walked out and just then a guide was walking up the stairs and said that was Tommy’s room. The owners son who had died very young of TB!! I was feeling what the little bit felt.

    Posted 5/7/21

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  • For me, it’s no proof.

    When I went to Sahuaro ranch park, I sensed not a single bit of creepiness. Perhaps I was too busy Enjoying nature? Or maybe perhaps we had to go in the house? Here are my theories: The ghosts weren’t active. I couldn’t sense them because I was taking pics of nature. The ghosts left. But this is a good article and I had a great time, Plus this got me thinking, so I’m giving a good rating.

    Posted 3/17/21

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  • Night walk

    We had no idea this is considered a haunted site but when waking at night we saw a shadow figure that appeared to move closer to us as well as orbs in cell phone pics

    Posted 11/20/20

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    7 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • I Told Them So

    When I was in forth grade, my class took a field trip to Sahuaro Ranch for the tour where the staff showed us how the family lived back then. During the tour I could sense a strange presence in the main bedroom and the dinning room, almost as if someone was watching. Towards the end when we entered the kitchen, I could feel the presence of a woman that was any of the teacher's or staff. It wasn't a threatening vibe but it was just overall creepy. It was at this point I knew this place was haunt, I wanted to ask the tour guide questions about it but I didn't want to scare my classmates and take a chance of a later punishment so I kept my mouth shut. I did happen to tell my two best friends, but sadly they just laughed at me. I'm happy that I can show them this article and finally tell them, "I told you so".

    Posted 3/25/18

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    8 out of 10 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/29/2015 (3378 days ago)

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