
Copper Queen Hotel - Bisbee AZ Real Haunted Places

  • 11 Howell Ave.
  • Bisbee, AZ
A historic hotel in Bisbee, the Copper Queen Hotel is Arizona's longest continuously operating hotel. The building dates back to 1898 when it served as lodging for investors and dignitaries visiting the nearby copper mine. Its construction was complete in 1902.

The Copper Queen Hotel has been featured on two paranormal investigation shows, including Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures. The well known haunted hotel has a number of ghosts that call it home. One of the most famous spirits includes that of a prostitute named Julia Lowell. The woman in her 30s would use the hotel for her and her clients. Legend says she fell in love with one of those clients and he told her he had no feelings for her. She took her own life at the hotel. Guests and staff have reported feeling her presence on the second and third floors of the west side of the building. Other reports include the sound of a female voice whispering in their ear.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 304
Last edit to this listing: 7/15/2024 (257 days ago)

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