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Haunted Houses & Halloween Attractions in Arizona

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Arizona is the Grand Canyon State, but from Northern Arizona, North Central Arizona, Phoenix, Central Arizona, Tucson, Southern Arizona to Arizona's West Coast you can expect to find exciting attractions to thrill and excite you this Halloween season! From the spookiest Haunted Houses, Spook Walks, Haunted Hay Rides, Zombie Hunts & Shootouts to the more kid-friendly Halloween attractions, you can find it all at AZHauntedHouses.com! Plan for a hauntingly fun evening or weekend easily browsing the site by Area, Event Type, or Calendar this Halloween season!

Scarizona Scaregrounds

Located in Mesa

Arizona's favorite place of fear. 300 houses, Paintball, psychic, drive-through Halloween show, drive-in movies, cemetery wine and beer bar, live music MAYHEM IN THE MADNESS This haunted house is all about chaos, disorder, bedlam and havoc. STARTLED DARKNESS This haunted house is extremely dark, be prepared for total darkness. Read More

Evans-Churchill's Nightmare on 5th Street

Located in Phoenix

Come Meet Smudge the Roosevelt Row Art District Clown and His Friends! An Immersive Halloween Experience in the Heart of Downtown Phoenix Get ready for the ultimate Halloween event in Downtown Phoenix, brought to you by GratefulPHX. Evans Churchill: Nightmare on 5th Street is an immersive, multi-layered experience set in the iconic Roosevelt Row Arts District. Dive into a world wher... Read More

Terror in the Corn

Located in Marana

HAUNTING TUCSON FOR OVER 10 YEARS Sure, you've been to a “haunted house” - but can you imagine the frightening possibilities of a haunted cornfield? Voted Tucson's best haunted attraction for years, Tucson’s Terror In the Corn is Southern Arizona’s scariest and most unique Halloween event. Enjoy a variety of “haunts” and Halloween fun, all connected by a totally immersive and terrif... Read More

Nightfall at Old Tucson

Located in Tucson

In the town of Nightfall, it’s not the things that go bump in the night that one must fear; it’s the demons that scream, the blood that drips, the clowns that spook, the bats that swoop and the Nightmares that come to life at every terrifying turn. This September 27th Arizona’s premier Halloween event ‘Nightfall at Old Tucson’ returns, with 20+ acres of brand-new horrifying haunts and spine-chil... Read More

Mill of Madness

Located in Phoenix

?Where Reality Unravels and Nightmares Begin! Brace yourself for the most immersive horror experience Arizona has ever seen. This year, the Mill of Madness takes you beyond the edge of sanity with a story so chilling, it will blur the lines between reality and nightmare. New for 2024: The Aurora Experiment Gone Horribly Wrong Step into the mind of Aurora—the mind-alter... Read More

Fright Night AZ Haunted House

Located in Clarkdale

When you’re dying to tap into everything take a walk through Verde Canyon Railroad’s HAUNTED HOUSE railcar display stationed at the Clarkdale depot. A frightening monster squad will make all of your nightmares come true. Screeching train wheels and an oncoming locomotive headlight will greet you as you climb aboard. Step lightly through the dimly lit train maze and enter an abyss of you... Read More

AZ Field of Screams

Located in Glendale

Corn field planted over an old cemetary, dare to enter, watch out for the living dead. Your walking through a quiet dark cornfield, anticipating every second danger is lurking around the next corner... you walk quietly and suddenly wonder if you are the only ones out there, where AM I? SHUUUUSHHH ... then a blood curdling scream in the distance reminding you ... they are out there ... w... Read More

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Halloween 2024 AZHauntedHouses.com attracted over 75,155 visitors. More...

Arizona Real Haunted Places

Check out Arizona's Real Haunts, where ghosts, ghouls, and apparitions make their home year round! Across Arizona, there are tons of houses, cemeteries, and places that are truly haunted - get all the gory details about Arizona's Real Haunts right here!