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Westward Ho - Real Haunt in Phoenix AZ

  • 618 N Central Avenue
  • Phoenix, AZ
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Listing Categories
Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging, Real Haunted Places
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This high-rise hotel building located in Phoenix was once an accommodation hotspot for celebrities, politicians and other big names. Now a converted housing complex for the elderly and disabled, it is a hotspot for something very different. Residents have reported seeing the apparition of a woman in a red dress walking through rooms, hearing loud chatter in rooms they know to be empty and music from the 1940s era.
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  • I am a resident at Westward Ho Apartments.

    One evening after 10 p.m., I went looking for the security guard. He must have been doing perimeter checks because there wasn't anyone at the desk. I looked into one of the ballrooms to see if he was in there. Nothing. As I walked towards the elevator, I heard a big band orchestra playing music in that same ballroom. At times In the evening and early morning hours I hear chatter and laughter in my bedroom. Sometimes at 5 in the morning I hear just one knock loud knock on the door. The first time that happened I got up and looked through the peep hole. No one was there. It hapeened again at the same time, but I just remain in bed.

    Posted 10/24/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 5,774
Last edit to this listing: 12/29/2015 (3342 days ago)

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